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Different Soccer Passing Techniques - Short Pass

Different soccer passing techniques help players move the soccer ball on the ground or in the air to relieve pressure in defense or create advances in attack.

Short passing technique is used most frequently during soccer games.

Short passing is the most basic, and accurate way to get the ball to your teammate.

When making short passes during a soccer game, or practice, it is important that the players make enough contact when kicking the ball so that the ball travels to your teammate with pace and accuracy.

Striking the ball hard, aiming for the center of the ball, with the inside of your foot will make the soccer ball travel fast, and accurate to your teammate. That is, if you use the correct soccer passing technique for kicking the ball.

It is also easier for the player receiving the ball, to trap and control the ball coming with pace, than receiving soft pass which allows defenders to get in position, and cut off the pass, or put pressure on the player receiving the pass.

Different Soccer Passing Technique

Different Soccer Passing Techniques - Through Pass

Through ball passing in soccer is used to split the defense, and pass the soccer ball up the field with enough pace for the ball to get behind the defenders into space, for an already running teammate.

Through ball pass is best used when the passer strikes the ball with enough pace, to get the ball behind the defenders in front of an already sprinting teammate.

This soccer passing technique takes years of training to develop because players have to learn the correct power, accuracy and where to strike the soccer ball for a through pass in different situations on the field.

Through pass also requires players to have really good vision of the field, in order to spot teammates runs suitable for a through pass.

In simple terms, through ball passing is used by kicking the ball into space, for your teammate to run onto before the defender reaches it.

Different Soccer Passing Technique

Different Soccer Passing Techniques - Short Pass - Lob Pass

Lob passing soccer technique is used to pass the ball to a teammate over the defenders, not giving them any chance to reach the ball, and intercept the pass.

This passing skill is also used to change the point of attack, and switch the game play from one side, to the other.

When passing the ball with a lob pass, players will want to strike the lower part of the ball, causing an upward kick.

Lob pass is trained with long passing drills or games. It requires the player to strike the soccer ball with precise amount of power to complete a long lob pass.

Striking the ball too hard will make the ball go up and too far, while striking it too easy will not give the ball enough air time, so defenders have a good chance of intercepting the pass.

Use a lob pass to switch the point of the attack from left side to the right, or vice versa.

Players will use this pass to create chances for their teammates by passing the ball over the heads of defenders.

Different Soccer Passing Technique

Different Soccer Passing Techniques - Short Pass - Cross Pass

Crossing the ball is used to drive the ball in the air, or on the ground, inside the opponent’s penalty area, for a chance to score a goal.

Players should strike the ball with the inside of the foot, and plenty of power, for the ball to curve into the penalty area. Slightest touch on the ball from correct crosses, can change its direction towards the goal.

These soccer passes are usually intended for forwards, and need to be firm, and aimed towards at the penalty spot.

Wing players, or full backs are a great point of attack, if the players are skilled with crossing the soccer ball.

It takes years of practice, and 1000's of repetitions, to build up the technique for striking the ball with power, to cause the ball to curve, or bend, in mid air.

Good crossing skill development will make the player deadly from free kicks, and set piece situations.

David Beckham built his career from being one of the best players to cross the soccer ball during his time. His crosses, long passes, and free kicks earned him many medals, and trophies throughout his career.

Practice crosses with the inside top bone of the foot. Lock your ankle, toes down.

Different Soccer Passing Technique

Different Soccer Passing Techniques - Short Pass - Give and Go Pass

The most simple, and practical passing technique, that will leave the defenders behind, wandering where the ball went.

Give and go passing has been successfully used throughout the history of soccer, and is perhaps the simplest passing technique to pass one, two, or more defenders out of play.

Give and go passing technique is used exactly as the name suggests, player with the ball makes the pass and continues running to receive a one touch pass back into feet, or into space.

As the players passing skills grow through practice and repetition, he/she will be able to make accurate passes using different parts of the foot.


Players who are good with both feet are twice as hard to defend.

All of these different soccer passing techniques can be applied during the soccer game. Players should try and get creative with different soccer passing techniques in training sessions, and not be scared to try them in the games.

Half of any pass is confidence.

Keep practicing different soccer passing techniques. Good things happen when you try.

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Soccer Passing and Receiving Drills