Free Soccer Drills and Info

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how to play soccer

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how to play soccer for fun or competition

How to play soccer? You can play the game for fun, or train and play a lot more to play more competitive soccer.

Some kids grow up around this game, kick the ball around, and learn different soccer moves and tricks at a very early age. In contrast, other kids grow up in surroundings where soccer is not very popular or played much.

Players need to spend a lot of time training and developing skills, moves, vision, and mentality over the years. Soccer playing days should start at a very early age where boys and girls learn how to play soccer through the joy of kicking the ball around and having fun.

Brazilian kids get a soccer ball as soon as they learn how to walk. It’s no surprise that Brazil is such a powerful country in soccer, with so many skilled players coming through the Brazil Cities.

The younger the player, the easier it will be for them to learn how to control, kick, pass, head, and learn different soccer moves. Passion for soccer comes from playing around with the ball, be it backyard, schoolyard, park, or basement.

Its human nature to have more talented and less talented players. Talent alone is not enough, because less gifted players who are persistent with soccer training, and playing the game regularly, will gain excellent soccer skills with the ball.

There are a lot of failed talents in soccer and other sports. Many professional soccer players were not the most talented, but the ones most persistent in working hard and training more to get to where they are.

Playing with the soccer ball always when possible, for fun, will allow the game to be the teacher.

learning how to play soccer for fun

How to Play Soccer

Learning to play soccer is easy, get the soccer ball, and start kicking it around. Find some friends, and get a pick-up game going. Let the game be the teacher. Talent is only 50% of any soccer player’s game; everything else develops with playing, training, dedication, and constant repetition.

The most significant factor in learning how to play soccer, and getting very good at this game is soccer training.
It takes two years to learn something, another two years to get better at it, and another four years to truly master it.The same goes for learning how to play soccer.

Once a player shows passion for the sport and interest in practicing and playing this game, learning how to play soccer is just a start. Continuing to learn different soccer moves and skills in the game will need positive encouragement and guidance.

Soccer is a fast-paced game that plays on instinct and muscle memory, without much time to think about our decisions, and what to do when the ball gets to us. Kick the ball 1000 times every day to develop better contact with the ball.

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How to Play Soccer