Free Soccer Drills and Info

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Soccer Field Dimensions and Diagram

Soccer field dimensions in the United States follow the same guidelines as the fields in Europe, and everywhere else in the world.

This is due to FIFA Regulations, and the Laws of the Game.

Soccer is played on a natural, or artificial grass surface everywhere in the world.

Street Soccer, or Futsal, is played on a hard flat surface that works great for developing young soccer players touch on the ball. This is mainly due to constant involvement with the ball, due to fast paced nature of the game during Street Soccer, or Futsal matches.

Soccer field size can vary slightly, however, every field has to be within the guidelines explained in the FIFA Laws of the Game.

If you watch soccer, you must have noticed that players sometimes seem to be very close to each other on the field, compared to different games when they have a lot more space to play and run into.

This is due to different soccer field sizes, length and width.

Soccer field size can be effected by many different factors such are: stadium capacity, entertainment value, and most importantly, formations and tactics that teams will pick to play with.

Soccer field layout will always be in a rectangular shape, where the length is twice or little less, than the size of the Width.

This forms a rectangle or the official soccer field.

Soccer Field Dimensions in USA

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Official Soccer Field Dimensions in USA

Official Soccer Field Length in USA
Minimum 100 Yards 
Maximum 130 Yards

Official Soccer Field Width in USA
Minimum 50 Yards
Maximum 100 Yards

Soccer Field Size for International Games

International Field Length in USA
Minimum 110 Yards
Maximum 120 Yards

Official Soccer Field Width in USA
Minimum 50 Yards
Maximum 100 Yards

Metric Dimensions of a Soccer Field

soccer field dimensions, dimensions of a soccer field, measurments of soccer field, field of soccer

Official Field Dimensions in Europe (Metric)

Official Field Length in Europe (metric)
Minimum 90 Meters
Maximum 120 Meters

Official Field Width in Europe (metric)
Minimum 45 Meters
Maximum 90 Meters

International Matches in Europe Are Played on a Slightly Different Soccer Field Size.

International Field Length in Europe (metric)
Minimum 100 Meters
Maximum 110 Meters

International Field Width in Europe (metric)
Minimum 64 Meters
Maximum 75 Meters

Different clubs in the world use their home field to their advantage, depending on the team, and the style of play in the game.

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