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Origin of the Word Soccer

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Origin of the Word Soccer Comes From...

So where does the origin of the word soccer come from?

I was always under the impression that the word soccer came from America.

I am European (Bosnian), and have never heard the word Soccer until I moved to America, back in 1999.

After some research on where the word soccer came from, I was surprised to see it originating in England.

Word soccer dates back to England, shortly after the Laws of the Game were written and Football Association was formed, in 1863, London.

Over the next few years, English people shortened the Football Association into Assoccer for short, and pretty quickly Assoccer was shortened even more to be called simply Soccer.

Legend has it that Charles Wredford Brown, an Oxford student during the time of first Football Association, was the first person to use the word Soccer.

When friends asked him if he’d come play a game of Rugger (nickname for Rugby), to which Charles replied he preferred to play Soccer instead.

Word Soccer was used throughout the early years of the game in England, until it was eventually changed to Football.

Soccer word for this sport is mainly used in Countries where the game of soccer gained popularity later on, while a different sport gained popularity under the name Football (played with egg shaped ball and using hands in most part).

American Soccer governing body tried adding Football to its name, naming it United States Soccer Football Association, but the name was too long and confusing leading to a short and simple name for American Soccer Governing Body called US Soccer Federation in 1975. 

The word soccer would define this sport in the United States ever since.

It is also important to mention that United States is not the only Country that uses the word Soccer instead of Football for this sport.

Soccer is the word used in several other countries around the world including: Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa just to name a few.

Soccer is the word used mostly due to late introduction of the Soccer game, when the word Football was already taken over by a different sport.

In conclusion, the word soccer comes from England, but it has been used in America and other countries to refer to the original Football that is played and referred to as Football around the world.

For more information on where the word SOCCER came from visit Mystery Solved - the Real Origin of the Word Soccer.

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History of Soccer

Soccer Word Origin comes from shortening Football Association. Read more about the origin of the word soccer, and how Football Association ended up simply Soccer. 

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