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Playing Soccer for Beginners
How to Play Soccer for Beginners

Playing Soccer for Beginners

Playing Soccer for Beginners

Playing soccer for beginners starts with learning how to play soccer using the correct technique and soccer fundamentals.

Skills develop with repetition, and the proper abilities develop with repetition of correct technique.
Soccer is a fun game to play and is suitable for overall health because of such intense workout, including various running speeds and resistance from the opposing players.

Playing soccer will keep anyone fit and in great shape with nicely toned muscles. It takes training and a hard work ethic in practice.

How to play soccer for kids or youth soccer players?
Youth soccer players just starting to play soccer should be taught the proper soccer technique for different parts of the game while having as much fun as possible.

Staying away from the complicated soccer drills and the large soccer field, instead focusing on developing youth soccer players' passion for this game, is an essential part of every soccer player's early years.

Playing in small-sided soccer games will empower the youth players to have a lot more touches on the ball. Players will be involved in the game more than playing on a sizeable 11vs11 field. Big field has a lot of space, especially for younger players to cover, causing very few touches on the ball and kids losing interest in the game.

Running properly and kicking the soccer ball using the right technique are the basics of playing soccer for beginners. Players will develop the method for passing and shooting soccer fundamentals.

Juggling the soccer ball is an essential exercise for developing youth soccer players because it's a lot of fun. It works on almost every aspect of the soccer game, including trapping, passing, shooting airballs, etc.

Juggling the soccer ball is the most basic way to learn how to play soccer for beginner soccer players. Developing foot/eye coordination, touch on the ball, and the feel on how hard to kick the ball for that pass or a shot on goal.

Simple soccer is the hardest way to play soccer because players love to hold the ball, dribble, and take more touches than necessary. After all, dribbling is the fun part of the game.

Playing soccer for beginners starts with passion and fun. Small-sided games are fun because of constant touches, movement, and high tempo.

Juggling is fun, especially with time and skills to do tricks with the ball midair. Juggle on your own or with a friend.

Playing Soccer for Beginners,

  • Passing the soccer ball with the inside of the foot. Ankle of the passing foot is locked, and the toes are pointing up.
  • The opposite foot placed next to the ball and pointing in the direction of the desired pass or shot.
  • Every pass should be done by following through with the kicking foot, going through the ball when kicking it.
  • Players need to develop their vision. Head up and look for an open pass. Avoid looking down at the soccer ball when the ball is in your control.
  • Finding a wall or using a rebound net is a great way to learn how to play soccer if you are on your own. Make it competitive with friends, set up two goals using anything to mark the goalposts, split into two teams and start playing soccer.
  • Leaning back when striking the soccer ball will make the ball go higher up in the air. When kicking the ball, leaning over the soccer ball will make it go on the ground or waist-high.

Keep your eyes on the ball when taking a kick. Looking at the ball will ensure that your body comes over the ball for the more accurate and firm kick.

  • Juggling the soccer ball will develop the players trapping and receiving soccer ball skills so that they are comfortable with receiving the ball and getting it under control in the game. 
  • Players always have more control kicking the soccer ball with the inside of the foot. More foot surface increases accuracy. 
  • Kicking the ball with laces (instep) will not have as much control, but it will improve the kick's power.
  • Playing soccer can be done using any part of the body to control the ball except arms (goalkeeper is the exception).
  • The whole point of the game is to score more goals than the other team by kicking the ball inside the opposing team's goalposts.

Skills develop through years of practice and repetition, so don't get discouraged, instead work hard, play hard, and the skills will follow.

Have fun and keep playing :)

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How to Play Soccer